“Text on screen” by Johnny Frank Nielsen
“One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty counsels. The thing to do is to supply light and not heat.” – Woodrow Wilson

Do you need a response to your text?

It is difficult for every writer to know whether what is written gets its message across and whether it is clear and inviting for the reader. The writer knows very well what it is all about, but the question is whether the reader does too. At times a text may be technically challenged.

All of these questions and many more can drive the writer insane when there is no audience to answer them. Frustration increases if the audience available is only able to judge the text as good, bad or confusing: What exactly makes it good, bad or confusing? An evaluation of the manuscript answers all these questions. The aim of the evaluation is to help find the heart and personality of the text so that it can become alive like the author.

Which kinds of texts do I evaluate?

I evaluate novels, short stories, lyric poetry, drama, film scripts, non-fiction, essays and other exciting creations that combine different genres of texts, whether it is a question of detective novels, thrillers, suspense, romance, erotica, science fiction, fantasy, humor, adventure, children’s literature or something else.
If you need a response to your story while you are writing it – e.g. to one chapter at a time – you can choose Writing coaching instead.


The Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and English national flags

I receive texts written in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and English. I will give my response to your texts in either Danish or English by your choice.

Our contact

If you are interested in having your manuscript evaluated, please email your manuscript as an attached file and include your name and address. Afterwards, you will be informed of the price and the date you will receive a response. Comments will be worked into your manuscript with the text marked in blue. After the price has been agreed upon I will start reading your text. Contact

A guide for prices

Non-fiction, 50-75 pages: approximately 3500-3900 DKK
A novel of 100-125 pages: approximately 4700-5500 DKK
A ten page short story: approximately 900 DKK
Ten poems: approximately 900 DKK
Please note: A page corresponds to a normal page. Approximately 2100 characters per page is equivalent to the pricing. When I evaluate a whole novel, you will usually receive a feedback of 12-25 pages, depending on the length of the novel, including constructive suggestions and writing tips. You can also ask for a shorter response, which will be priced lower. The more pages in the book, the lower price per page.