“Gazania” by Sam Oth
“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

It’s hard to get started … keeping the embers glowing and a tight rein over yourself …
Most writers know it. If you have not written an entire book before, a book project can seem almost overwhelming. Perhaps you can write well, but you would like to train and fine-tune your writing technique continuously while you are writing your book. I would like to help you to further develop and refine your writing techniques, keep your creative flames burning, and harness your discipline, so that you get a beautiful, spirited, intoxicating book out of the process. All of the originality and creativity you need lies within you. Sometimes creativity is of such magnitude that it is hard to control, just like a furry bear cub that tumbles around in nature and has to sniff and taste everything and contemplate a reflection in the water puddle. We can find out which direction to take together, without limiting any possibilities.
You decide how your writing coaching should take shape. Perhaps you prefer to send a few pages at a time and pay per each response you get. Or, perhaps you would prefer to pay a certain amount that would cover a response for a greater number of pages, so that you don’t have to think about a possible new payment until the amount has been used up. You also choose if you want your writing coaching through personal consultation, on e-mail, over the phone or a combination of these. You can read more about what a response consists of and which writing techniques are covered on the page Manuscript advice.


The Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and English national flags

I receive texts written in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and English. I will give my response to your texts in Danish or English.

An example

One option could be that you pay to get a response for fifty pages in all, and send me some pages at a time, dividing the fifty pages into three or four sets. Perhaps you will send me 10 pages, then 15, then 25, or maybe you will send me 10 pages, then 20 and then another 20, or perhaps you prefer to send me 10, 10, 15 and another 15. In this example we correspond on e-mail. After you have received a response to these pages, the next set can be made even more powerful after reviewing the first set. Perhaps you will choose instead to send the first set again in their revised form based on the first response so that you can see if you have understood and carried out the writing technique and whether those pages can still be made even stronger. A response to fifty pages divided into three or four sets would cost 1,875 DKK. If you want to divide the pages into more sets, then please contact me in order to let me calculate the price.
Perhaps you would prefer to have some assignments sent with every manuscript response – assignments that will help you work on those techniques that you find particularly challenging. The cost for five assignments that focus on precisely the challenges you need is 250 DKK. If you would also like a response to these exercises instead of just integrating the techniques in your book, the price is 25 DKK per page.
Please note: A page corresponds to a normal page. Approximately 2100 characters per page is equivalent to the pricing. Also, this example presupposes that you send me minimum 10 pages (from the same text) at a time. If, for instance, you only send me 5 pages at a time, the price will be raised. Please write me to know more about this option.
If you would like writing coaching, I can work with you to determine the pace at which you hand in your texts, and create a program to ensure that the process does not come to a standstill. If you have questions, please Contact me.